Minimum 20 entries are must otherwise event will be cancelled.
The Amount paid is non-refundable.
If the event is cancelled then that amount can be used to register in another event.
CAD Championship is a Design Event of Mechanical Engineering which examine the command on domain of software and logical skills to convert the idea in the form of object.
1. All the registered team has to design a 2_D model in Ist round and 3-D model in next round which will be provided by event organizing committee.,
2. Participants has to specify the software they are going to use for designing during the registration.,
3. Decision taken by judges will be final and will not be change in any circumstances.,
4. The system and software for design will be provided to you and also eligible your own laptop.,
5. Max. team members are 2 and min. is 1.
" Winner Prize is Subjected To Number Of Entry"